An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Never Giving Up on Your Dreams

entrepreneur's guide, dreams


This week’s message from the Universe seems to be ‘don’t give up.’  I keep hearing and seeing these exact words over and over again.  Blogs posts and Facebook ads about the difference between people who go for their dreams and those that give up on their dreams.


Evidence Part #1- Instagram Post by Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes Says Never Give Up on Your Dreams

never give up on your dreams, dear miss millionaire

Enough said.

(BTW – you are following me on Instagram aren’t you?  Lots of positivity, support and encouragement on my page and I’d love to connect with you there!)  >

Evidence Part #2- Creative Person Conversation

Cori Burchell Says Never Give Up on Your Dreams

I have a young friend who is an incredibly talented young fashion designer…wildly talented actually.  Her designs are fresh, colourful, playful and exciting – although I’ll admit, not for everyone.  I was talking about her with a mutual friend, also someone who is interested in styling and designing, and her comments were along the lines of ‘she’s a bit delusional if she thinks she’s going to make it’.  Ouch.   They were once friends and roommates, but had a falling out in the past and I think friend #2 is actually quite jealous of the young fashion designer.  Friend #2 is the better sewer, she’s more technically skilled and by all rights should be the ‘better’ designer…but she’s not doing it.  She’s not putting herself out there and is highly critical of someone who is.  

Now admittedly, the fashion industry is very difficult to break into if you’re creating your own business.  It takes money, and possibly a lucky break or two, or three.  But the only way to get started, is to get started.  Whether that’s with one item or a whole line, it’s necessary to start.  And it’s necessary to not listen to those who haven’t done it, and maybe aren’t ever going to do it.

The truth is, when you look at something from a competitive point of view, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. There are probably a lot of people in your industry or business, doing something similar to what you’re doing.   The solution is to look at your business from a creative point of view – what is it that you’re creating?  Forget about the competition and focus on what you’re creating.

The negative people and the nay-sayers will always be there (and very often, it’s the people who are closest to us who are these very people).  It’s up to you whether or not you choose to let them into your life and have any influence over you.

I vote for creativity over competition, along with support and encouragement from those who actually do want to see you succeed.

Never give up on your dreams.


P.S.   Introducing the Money, Mindset and Manifesting mini-course. This is my 90 day program to learn how to gently shift your mind. Go from stuck in your old negative beliefs to creating and manifesting the life you truly desire. For a limited time, this program is only $27.00 USD. CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW

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Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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