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Dear Miss Millionaire

Learn exactly how to set your money goals and clear away your mindset blocks to creating prosperity.

You will discover how to create more value in your life and so that you can become a money magnet and live abundantly.

Follow along with my step-by-step E-course that breaks it all down for you into easy to follow daily action steps.

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What is SPARKLE-Money, Mindset and Manifesting?


We all have a “money story”: a story we learn as a young child about money, abundance, finances and wealth.

Your story about money, your fears, the lessons you’ve learned from your parents play like a movie in your life. These stories are projected on your love life, your friendships, your bank account and your clients.


In this program you’ll learn about your personal money mindset, how to heal your relationship with money, and the limiting beliefs you have about money.


The difference between ‘wishing and hoping’ for money and actually manifesting it, comes down to your thoughts and your actions. Sparkle: Money, Mindset and Manifesting Course will help you create the daily action habits along with mindset shifts in order to attract more money and success into your life! You’ll be training your mind and your thoughts everyday to think and feel more abundantly. You’ll also challenge yourself to take effective action everyday that will move you towards your goals (without getting into overwhelm or resistance). This program is designed to break through resistance and you’ll be amazing at how simple it can be to achieve your goals.

$27 USD



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This is my brand new e-course to help you quickly get into action and really achieve your goals, without the overwhelm.


Most on-line manifestation courses have a lot of ‘theory’ and ideas – but I decided it is much more important to jump into action and for you to get results, so I eliminated the fluff and got straight to the action habits.


Take my years of study, experimenting and education and get to what really works to create your goals.


This course is about action and implementation. It’s simple and straightforward, but extremely powerful when you follow the daily steps.


And I created it for a price that you can afford, because the investment in this training is:

$27 USD



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Passion to Profits Blueprint

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  • Learn how you can build wealth by helping other people with the skills you already have
  • See the step by step process to creating your business


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