Unique Brand Position-What’s cool about you

unique brand position

Unique Brand Position

What’s cool about you?  In personal terms, it may be your unique ability to play the guitar, sing a song, or tell a great joke.  (I can’t do any of the above very well).

In business terms, what’s cool about you is also called your Unique Brand Position … (or UBP for short).

Now, some people think that what’s unique about me is that I’ve worked in the glamorous film industry, on some really cool films. That … and the fact that I worked on ‘Chicago’ which won an Academy Award and ….. that I’ve worked with Ryan Gosling and met Eva Mendes.

Yeah … all that was pretty cool.

But there is a truth about the glamourous world of the film industry that isn’t so glamorous … in fact most of the time, it’s pretty un-glamorous.

Blade Runner 2049

Real life behind the scenes photos of ‘Blade Runner 2049’ starring Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Jared Leto, Robin Wright  …. and many other talented, lovely people.

unique brand position

See … not so glamorous at all is it.  (That’s the studio where Blade Runner 2049 was filmed and me in one of the fascinating and exquisite old apartment flats in Budapest that was used as a location).

In fact, once you get to know the behind the scenes world of the film industry (which I’ll be sharing with you) … you’ll know that it’s a rather unique world, with crazy and impossible deadlines, somewhat dangerous work, a combination of creative people and accountants, and a world that doesn’t move an inch with a HIGHLY organized and precise schedule.   So much so that there is an entire department of people responsible for schedules, paperwork and information distribution.

Here’s the thing … the whole glamourous/not glamourous thing is actually NOT what’s cool about me.

What’s Your Super Power?

My true super power, and my unique brand position, is that I can see the beauty and brilliance in something that actually doesn’t exist.   And I do have the film industry to thank for that.   The starting point for every film I’ve ever worked on is a script, an empty studio and a whole lot of imagination.   Then mix in some very practical and logical steps, tools and tricks to make that invisible brilliance visible.  And real.   And happening.

I can help you with your invisible stuff.

Invisible stuff like your brand, maybe.    Or perhaps your packages and programs.   All the steps you’ll need to bring your ideas, creativity, thoughts, dreams and wishes into fruition.

You see, one thing I know, is that there’s something unique about you.  The way you do what you do.  And the more that you can bring that uniqueness, that authenticity and that brilliance into your business … the more you’re going to SHINE.

And the more you SHINE, the more your customers will be attracted to you.  Magnetized to you.  Delighted by you and all that you do.

First of all you need to understand how to bring the invisible parts of your business out into the open.   And then you’ll need to use logical, practicable and predictable steps to showcase that brilliance to the world.

Okay gotta go … Ryan and Eva just called.

(Actually …. not really … just me working on invisible stuff with my amazing clients! Learn more here.)


P.S.   Introducing the Money, Mindset and Manifesting mini-course. This is my 90 day program to learn how to gently shift your mind. Go from stuck in your old negative beliefs to creating and manifesting the life you truly desire. For a limited time, this program is only $27.00 USD. CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW

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