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Business Strategy gurus will tell you to create new funnels, or videos or follow this tactic or that tactic … but that doesn’t help you when you’re struggling with fears and doubts about your business or services.

Yes … having smart strategies are a must for any business, but developing courage, confidence and ‘stick-to-it-ness’ are far more important if you want to play the real game and become an excellent entrepreneur who actually makes an impact.

It’s what allows you to keep going when the strategies change or don’t work any more.

It’s what enables you to get creative with your service-based business so that you can do what you came here to do … reach more people, have more impact and make a lot more money, all while being true to yourself.

My unique approach to coaching will help you learn how to maximize the #1 asset you have in your business … your ability to manage your thinking and be confident as the CEO of your business empire.

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Imagine if you woke up 3-months from now with YOUR DREAM LIFE …


  • Your day is booked with amazing clients from all over the world who love working with you in your coaching or consulting programs.
  • You’re doing meaningful work that makes a huge impact and creating transformation in the lives of the women you work with.
  • Your week is planned to give you the perfect balance between work, fun and freedom.
  • Your bank account is full and your programs and packages consistently bring you the income you need to fulfill your dreams and desires.
  • You have time for family, friends, yoga, green juice and fun…because your life is designed the way you want it to be.

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You’re struggling with how to design and start the perfect business for you that supports your dream lifestyle 

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You want a business that gives you freedom and flexibility but you struggle with procrastination or knowing exactly what you should be working on in your business

[/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb image=”” icon_placement=”left” animation=”off” admin_label=”Blurb” custom_css_blurb_content=”max-width: 775px !important;”]

You want to be confident and visible online and know that you should create content or videos for your business but you’re “too….” something … too young, too old, too skinny, overweight, don’t have the right hair, don’t like makeup, etc. etc. A lot of excuses come up for you and you don’t seem to ever push “record”.

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You definitely want to create more money but when it comes to confidently selling your services, suddenly you have a lot of doubts and fears

[/et_pb_blurb][et_pb_blurb image=”” icon_placement=”left” animation=”off” admin_label=”Blurb” custom_css_blurb_content=”max-width: 775px !important;”]

You’re not sure how to Identify your gifts and strengths, and learn how to run a business from your unique genius and purpose.

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I work solely with a limited number of 1:1 private clients each month by application only. Click below to learn more about the BORN TO SHINE 1:1 Coaching program.

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sign up for the blueprint

Passion to Profits Blueprint

  • Get excited about creating your freedom-based online business
  • Learn how you can build wealth by helping other people with the skills you already have
  • See the step by step process to creating your business


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