How to Become a Millionaire by Saving a Penny a Day

steps to success

This blog is about reaching for and obtaining a big goal…$1,000,000.00 in net income.  And you know how I’m going to start?

By saving a penny.

That’s right…every day, I’m putting a penny into my “millionaire fund” jar.    Now, in Canada, we no longer actually have pennies….so it might have to be a nickel or a dime, but that’s okay with me. Because the point of this crazy little action isn’t the money at all.

It’s the action.

Everyone has dreams and wishes and big goals.  Me too.   And I know that it will be mathematically impossible to reach $1,000,000.00 by adding pennies to a jar.   But I also know the power of taking a baby step … that’s what the penny/nickel/dime represents.

Savings.  Daily Action.  Incremental Steps.   A commitment to a bigger goal.  A promise to work towards a dream.  All represented in a simple, easy to take baby step.

If you’ve ever come up with a dream, or set a goal … what’s the first thing that happens?   You get excited about your dream or goal and you really want it to happen.   You envision the wonderfulness of you living in your dream.    It’s sweet and lovely.

What’s the second thing that happens?  “Resistance” sets in.  You are met with an equal and opposing force that you must overcome in order to achieve your dream.   Resistance is real.  The only way to overcome resistance is by taking action.  You must do something in the direction of your dream in order for it to move into your reality.  You need to take a baby step.   And I mean a baby step, especially if you’re stuck and blocked by resistance.   Take your big goal and boil it down to the tiniest, smallest baby step that you can possibly take.  A step so small and incremental that you’ll be able to accomplish it easily, without any resistance. Take that tiny step today.  Tomorrow take another one.  And the next day, and the next day.

(See the link below to The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.   I highly recommend his book on dealing with resistance.   Also see his interview with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday …. Steve gives a great explanation of resistance as a real force of nature)

Soon, you’ll be taking a regular daily action towards your goal … you’ll see a tiny bit of progress. You’ll see some rewards, you’ll come up with a new baby step and that step will be just a tiny bit bigger.   Maybe it will be an idea for a new business you could start, a plan to create a new product or an investment property you find.   Something will happen to move you a little bit farther down the road, and you’ll take those steps, continually moving in the right direction and gaining some momentum.   But never forgetting to continually take that daily, baby, action step.

What is one tiny baby step that you could take right now towards your dream?

Take it.

Tell us about it in the comments below.

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Hi, I'm Cori.
Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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