Become a Millionaire By Saving a Penny a Day

cori burchell

Become A Millionaire By Saving a Penny A Day

A few years ago, I wrote a book proposal called ‘The Power of Promises-Baby Steps to Big Success’ and submitted it to several traditional publishers with the hope of getting a book deal.

My proposal was awesome and I was proud of the work I did to create that book, but after several rejection letters, I realized the traditional publishing route is probably not the best path for this book.

There’s no way I want to put it ‘in the forget-about-it drawer’ forever … I believe in my work and want it to be out into the world.


My plan is now to self-publish my book and I’m going back into “editing” mode. It’s so fun to put myself back in that time and place and re-read my work…..and to also become aware of how much I’ve changed, grown and developed in the time since I first wrote the outline.

It was actually a very turbulent time in my life, but incredibly creative and exciting as well. At the time, I was taking small baby steps to success and I was learning about presence and to feel “in the flow” of life. I was starting to learn and understand consciousness, and the power of intentions.

I produced a lot of creative work and felt like I was connected to the Universe in a way I had never really felt before in my life.

Earlier today, I realized (again) that the Universe is always saying Yes! to me and my dreams. And even better, will even give me little hints and clues to let me know those dreams are being cared for and supported, even if I sometimes forget.

In that first manual, I wrote about the power of taking baby steps to success. Taking deliberate, tiny, daily actions in the direction of your most desired dreams, goals and intentions.


One of the examples I gave was to become a millionaire by saving a penny a day.

If having a million dollars was your desire, then you would need to break that down to the tiniest action step you could imagine and take that action step to success every day. In the example of becoming a millionaire, one of the the tiniest action steps I could imagine was to save a penny every day.

Now … reality check here …. mathematically it is not possible to save your way to a million dollars by putting away a penny a day … but the point was not the amount, it was about the intention and the action.  Baby steps to success!

It’s signalling to the Universe that you are willing to do something every day to achieve your dream.

The point is to say that you’re ready to become a millionaire and you’re willing to do the work necessary to get there.

Saying that you are willing to save every day, that you are willing to work towards earning and investing, that you are ready for large amounts of money to come into your life.


I decided that I was going to be grateful for all money that comes into my life, no matter how big or small, so I say ‘thank you’ to the Universe every time I receive any money. Thank you for each penny!

Recently I found a penny on Hollywood Blvd. while I was in Los Angeles and I said ‘thank you’ to myself as I usually do….but I also found myself getting wrapped up in negative thinking like:  ‘Pennies won’t pay my bills, pennies are enough, pennies don’t add up etc. etc.’

Nevertheless, I still said thank you and appreciated my good fortune for receiving money and went on my way.



Imagine my surprise when I began re-reading my manuscript and got to the part of my own book that talked about saving a penny a day.

I had forgotten all about it. The Universe sent me a penny as a way of reminding me to go forward with my dreams, desires, goals and wishes.

I will continue to collect found money … even pennies … and I will remind myself each time of one of the simplest truths … and that is “Everything Counts”.

Remember .. the Universe always says Yes. Take baby steps to success. We have to be conscious of our intentions and aware of what we’re asking for.

Learn more about how to work with me in my 1:1 private coaching program where I help women become aware of their thoughts, feelings and emotions around creating wealth by starting an online businesses

(Click Here for more details about 1:1 coaching)

If you’re struggling with your money mindset and are so ready to be done with the struggle, then I’d like to invite you to book an Extraordinary Life consultation call with me.

Let’s create a before and after plan for your wealth. You’ll come away with a clear understanding of how your mind is holding you back from creating the financial freedom that you desire.

Click here to book your Extraordinary Life call.


P.S.   Introducing the Money, Mindset and Manifesting mini-course. This is my 90 day program to learn how to gently shift your mind. Go from stuck in your old negative beliefs to creating and manifesting the life you truly desire. For a limited time, this program is only $27.00 USD. CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW


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  1. Laurie says:

    I love your writing Cori! This has come at a very appropo time for me. Thank you.

  2. scott cowie says:

    Hi Cori, you penny story reminds me of the father who had 2 sons. He was on his death bed and gave them a choice. I will give you a million dollars today or I will give you 1 penny today and it will double every day for 31 days. One son took the million and one son took the penny. Do the math and you will see what happens. Best Regards, Scott Cowie ( Andrea’s husband )

    • Cori Burchell says:

      Scott! So nice to hear from you and thanks for your comment. Best of luck on your new position with Flatiron!

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Hi, I'm Cori.
Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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