How do you get your first clients?

get your first client

Have you worked with your first client yet?

Everyday I meet aspiring online business owners who are completely overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

They feel like they can’t start their business until they launch their website.
They feel like they need an email list of 2000 people before they can sell them any service, product or program.

Or sadly, I meet women who have already started their online business… Some of these women have emptied their savings and spent thousands of dollars building stunning websites and crafting clever social media campaigns and yet they still have no clients and no income. They are broke, frustrated and they don’t understand what went wrong.

Here is the truth:

Without paying clients, you have no business.

Without a product, program, or service to sell, you have no business.

If you have a shiny website with no clients, you have an expensive hobby.

I tell you this because when you are first starting out, it is easy to focus on the wrong tasks.
You can get distracted building websites, designing business cards or posting on Instagram.

You can forget that none of this matters if you don’t have clients.

The quickest way to make money and build your business is by working with clients one-on-one.

How do you get your first client?

Create a high value offering.

Being in the online business isn’t just about making money, having control of your schedule and working from anywhere in the world… It is about helping people. And guess what? People that focus on providing solutions and fixing problems are statistically more likely to become a millionaire. Find a problem. Create a solution, that solution is your high value offering.

Reach out individually to potential clients.

Do not spam people over email. Send thoughtful individualized emails to potential clients. Who are these potential clients? If you are just getting started this is your family, friends or previous co-workers. Send them an email, let them know what you are doing today. Ask them if they would get on a quick call to discuss how you can help them. If you have been in business for a little while and need new clients, connect with old clients and offer them a 10% discount for referrals.

Build relationships and get into your client’s heart and mind.

I know this sounds old school, but at the end of the day whether you run an offline or online business you need to know how to build and maintain relationships. Before you go off and sell your life-changing online program to hundreds of people you have to learn how to sell to one person. As you are working with your clients learn and pay attention to their problems. Ask yourself, What could I do right now to get them quick results? Keep a list of your clients and potential clients. Make sure you are reaching out to them monthly with articles or information that would be helpful to them.

Now, even if you already have started your business, this information still applies to you. You still need to be revisiting your offerings to make sure they are giving your clients the most value. You still need to build relationships and connect with people one-on-one even if you have an online business.

Have a party!  Meet your first client!

Marie Forleo once said that if she had $500 to start a business today, she would go out and meet people. She would use that $500 to throw a party. Then she would spend her time getting to know each person in the room. Marie said this because she understands, relationships and connections is what every business is all about. Plus it makes life a lot more enjoyable.

Are you a coach struggling to get your first clients?

I offer a complimentary consultation called The Extraordinary Life for female entrepreneurs who are ready to uplevel their life and business. If you need help with your online coaching business click the link below and book your call with me today.



P.S.   Introducing the Money, Mindset and Manifesting mini-course. This is my 90 day program to learn how to gently shift your mind. Go from stuck in your old negative beliefs to creating and manifesting the life you truly desire. For a limited time, this program is only $27.00 USD. CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW

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Hi, I'm Cori.
Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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