How to Feel Better

cori burchell


Today’s post is called How To Feel Better … but first we need to talk about vegan restaurant waitresses.

I’m not sure what it is about vegan restaurants, but I seem to always get the worst waitresses!!!

They’re kind of snarky, ignore the table and actually argue with you about your questions, comments and choices. It happened to me twice last week.

Restaurant #1 – the waitress told my lunch date that the ‘verbena’ tea wasn’t lemony … we both said ‘isn’t verbena a lemon-based scent?” She argued … we tasted the tea, she was wrong.

Restaurant #2 – I had to practically stand up and wave my hands over my head to get the waitresses attention to get the bill. Ignored … and the restaurant was much less busy than when we sat down.

In the second case, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that she didn’t hover over us, because my friend was in tears for most of our time there, having some afternoon tea.  That’s what I wanted to talk to you about today.

LET’S TALK ABOUT HOW TO FEEL BETTER … when you’re stuck, upset or need to get out of a funk

In the first 2 posts in this series on the Model, we’ve talked about Circumstances and our Thoughts.  Today is a big topic – we’re talking about feelings.

My friend was in the middle of a difficult few weeks on the film she is working on – they aren’t having any luck finding a replacement for someone who had quit, the Costume Designer isn’t being clear and there seems to be a mountain of things to do and she’s thinking that she has to do everything or it just won’t get done.

Those are all just thoughts actually. 

But the bigger problem was the thoughts that she didn’t say out loud at first … thoughts like ‘why does this always happen to me’ ‘I can’t do this anymore’ ‘I don’t know what I want to do with my life’…. etc. etc.

When she started to think those thoughts, the tears started.


I asked her what she was feeling … and she said overwhelmed. It’s clear that if you were thinking thoughts like “I have to do everything or it just won’t get done” and “why does this always happen to me”, you could easily start feeling overwhelmed. 

And when you’re overwhelmed – you’re not productive.
Planning goes out the window.
You don’t deliberately solve problems.
You’re frozen into “analysis paralysis”. You stop delegating and asking for the support that you need.

That’s what happened to my friend.

She actually did know how to solve a lot of the problems … i.e. the correct actions to take. But she was wallowing in the emotion of “overwhelm” … which didn’t serve her at all, and in fact made her feel worse (when she thought she was trying to figure out how to feel better).

The problem is, this is a habitual pattern for her. She starts off on new projects thinking that they’ll be great and then ends up crying in restaurants, while being ignored by the snarky waitresses.


Here’s today’s takeaway to remember – our feelings generate our actions.

Positive feelings lead to positive actions. Negative feelings lead to negative actions.

It’s really that simple.

So my question for you today is where are you feeling negative feelings in your life?

Where are things “always” a problem, or “never” working out for you?

If you want to feel better ask yourself those hard questions and look at your thoughts that are creating those feelings.

Our thoughts create our feelings. Choose your thoughts and your feelings wisely my friends.


If you’re in a spiral of negative feelings about a situation in your life or business, sign up right now for my free EXTRAORDINARY LIFE Consultation Call. You’ll leave our call with a much better understanding of how coaching can help you solve all the problems … (well except maybe waitresses at vegan restaurants who argue and ignore you … I’m still working on that one!).



I will take you through my Before and After process and we’ll create a plan to get you on track for the life & business of your dreams.

You’ll learn how coaching can help you manage your mind everyday and finally deal with all that “Entrepreneur Anxiety” you’re struggling with right now.

I’ll explain in depth how the Model is the only coaching tool you need to coach yourself everyday.



P.S.   Introducing the Money, Mindset and Manifesting mini-course. This is my 90 day program to learn how to gently shift your mind. Go from stuck in your old negative beliefs to creating and manifesting the life you truly desire. For a limited time, this program is only $27.00 USD. CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW

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Hi, I'm Cori.
Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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