
Keeping an Open Mind

Will you open your mind

Will you open your mind



Have you ever decided in advance how something was going to be? 

Of course you have … we all have.

But guess what I’ve discovered?  A very interesting thing happens when you keep your mind open … you’re faced with the seemingly strange option that the possibilities are endless and unlimited.

That realization will blow your mind wide open, if you let it.

As you might already know that I love to read and love to recommend great books. Recently I read “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie and had that kind of mind-blowing experience while reading this amazing piece of work.   Not only did my mind open, but my heart opened and softened too.   I found new compassion for myself, and all of those people and situations that frustrated me.   I ‘turned it around’ and saw that often my most difficult situations were either entirely a figment of my imagination or of because of long-held false beliefs.

Beliefs like how much money can I earn, receive or have in my life.  Beliefs about how that money “has” to come to me.  Beliefs about what I “must” do with my money.

This blog is about money, wealth consciousness, abundance and prosperity, so I will focus this discussion on money … but you can substitute any area of your life where you’ve ‘decided’ how it has to be.  Is it health? love? relationships? careers? money? success? friendships? intelligence? creativity?  that has you tied up in a bit of a knot?

The feeling of limitation can be the same in any of these areas…it’s like we have this brick wall put up in front of us and there is no way to see clearly to the other side.   And we can’t figure out how to go around the wall, or over the wall or under the wall … or whatever.   It’s blocking us.

Here’s the truth.  You have a sledgehammer in your hand.  Break down the wall.   Examine those “must have” “have to” “it’s this way” “it has to be” type of beliefs and ask yourself if they’re really true.   Or have you just decided that because they’ve always been that way, they’re always going to be that way.

Ask yourself if they’re really true … in your present reality, or do these beliefs just exist in your mind?  Is there anyone else in the world who has done or received what you would like to have?  If so, why can’t you also receive or do whatever it is?

You can.  Why of course you can.


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Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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