Nothing Matters

Everything counts.  Nothing Matters

I’ve started this post a few times and struggled….hmmm…”nothing matters”….what does that mean to me?   A very hard concept to get your head around, but an easy one to understand once you are living it.

As it so often happens to me, life sent me a little message!   While reading thru the Desire Map by Danielle Laporte, I came across the quote below, attributed to Frederich Nietzsche.   Apparently, I’m not the first person to have this thought!

Everything matters.  Nothing’s important.


-The Desire Map, by Danielle Laporte, page 101

More accurately, I feel that our ‘methods’ don’t matter…it’s not more important to choose one path over another.   One person’s success or failure is not more important or significant than anothers.   In the end, on our death beds, which path we chose won’t matter, will it.   Only the love that we gave will really be important to us.   Too often we get caught up in the ‘how’….how am I going to make x,y,z happen.   None of the specifics really matter….one is not better or more important than the other.

If you are faced with conflicting decisions or a choice to make about two paths to take, let your feelings decide the answer. Danielle Laporte has the right idea with “The Desire Map”, which is a book, workbook and on-line multimedia website. The guiding premise is to get clear on how we want to feel about our lives.   When we start with how we want to feel, the details of how we get there don’t matter.   Either choice can be right.  One person’s path is not better than another.   Being a CEO is not more or less important than being a mother.  Being a teacher or a gardener is not more or less important than being a butcher or a baker (or a candlestick maker)!   Going left is not better than going right.   Failing is not worse than succeeding.  Zigging is not more desirable than zagging.  When you let your desired feelings guide your life, the details and minutiae of the method you choose don’t really matter.    Begin your day by deciding how you want to feel and let your actions be guided by those desired feelings. Powerful stuff.  Creative stuff.   Loving stuff.

“Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have.   Generating those feelings is the most powerfully creative thinking you can do with your life.    — originally from “Session 3: The Strategy of Desire,” The Fire Starter Sessions, Danielle Laporte

-The Desire Map, Danielle Laporte, page 7



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