Self worth, Self Talk, & Achieving Miracles

cori burchell

Self worth, Self Talk, & Achieving Miracles

Does your negative self talk block your progress, throw junk in your path, and prevent you from achieving miracles? Now is the time to uncover hidden brain blocks that are slowing your progress and learn how you can overcome them. Read on to discover a revelation I had on this subject.

Last week I spent an amazing few days in Montreal with my coach. For three days I committed to learning, growing and upleveling with the other female entrepreneurs in my group. My coach was on fire and brought such passion and enthusiasm to the event.

There are so many lessons that I’ll be sharing with you either on the blog or on Facebook and Instagram, and I thought I’d start with one that I got in the final minutes of the event.

Often a breakthrough does come at the 11th hour, when you thought you already knew how things were going to turn out. Sometimes it takes hearing something again one last time, even though you’ve heard it many times before.

The phrase my coach used was “my God does not create junk”.

(NOTE: If the word God doesn’t resonate with you, try substituting Universe, spirit, magic. Whatever has the most meaning for you).


We shared some of our takeaways during the event. One woman observed that our coach really loves each person in the room fiercely.

Fiercely enough to challenge, to question, to not take no as an answer.

Fiercely enough to see each woman as strong and powerful, even when that woman may not see herself as powerful.

Fiercely enough to see through the bullshit and the lies and excuses we can tell ourselves.

That is the power of coaching.

A great coach is someone who truly cares for you and what you are trying to achieve, besides just yourself.  It’s not a service that provides you with a paid friend or a cheerleader. It’s not about checklists and strategies. It is a safe place for you to grow beyond your wildest dreams so that you can become the person you had forgotten you already are.

(Ready to achieve miracles in your life and business? Book your discovery call today.)

Achieve a Dream, Success, Business, Cori Burchell


BUT, for coaching to be truly transformational it requires change, growth and a willingness to give up the “junk” our brains manufacture.

‘God does not create junk’ means that each of us is powerful and beautiful in our own right, exactly as we are right now.

That will never change.


Now this is also true: our human brain can create junk. Just look around at our beautiful planet that is besieged with pollution and crime and global warming. “Junk” happens when we listen to our negative self talk instead of being brave and following the beauty of our spirit.

Most of us live our lives letting our brain control us, not the other way around. Our negative thoughts, worries, and problems control our every waking moment and we live in constant fear. That is what life looks like when we let our brain and negative self talk control us. For most people, that is just what everyday life looks like.

We don’t think about where we want to go and what we want to create.

We tell ourselves we don’t have it in us to make our dreams happen.  

But we do.

Freedom comes when we realize that our brain is a machine, a highly sophisticated and important machine, but one that we control.

We are powerful, spiritual creatures, designed in love. We are not our minds or our negative thoughts and we are NOT junk.

Freedom, Control, Success, Business, Cori Burchell


Are you ready to give up the self created junk that is holding you back from achieving your goals and the life you want?

I offer a complimentary consultation call called The Extraordinary Life. I’ll show you how together we can take your life from ordinary to Extraordinary.

Book The Extraordinary Life consultation call today.


P.S.   Introducing the Money, Mindset and Manifesting mini-course. This is my 90 day program to learn how to gently shift your mind. Go from stuck in your old negative beliefs to creating and manifesting the life you truly desire. For a limited time, this program is only $27.00 USD. CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW

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Hi, I'm Cori.
Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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