Spiritual Awakening in the Time of the Pandemic

cori burchell

Discover how to create a Spiritual Awakening during the time of the pandemic.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house. Every morning, a new arrival, a joy, a depression, a meanness. Some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all. Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight, the dark thought, the shame, the malice. Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in. Be grateful for whatever comes. Because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.


How to Create a Spiritual Awakening in the time of the pandemic

I’m taking an online class with Martha Beck at the moment … do you know Martha Beck?

She is teaching about having an awakening. A spiritual awakening more specifically. Her idea is that the “purpose” of the pandemic is to allow for an awakening at a large global scale.

Martha Beck Life Coach

Martha Beck is an author and the “original” Life Coach, and she is my coach’s first coach and teacher.

She’s had a column in the Oprah magazine for the past 20 years where she helps people with all of life’s difficulties.

I met Martha back in the early 2000’s at a Learning Annex event in Toronto. She’s just delightful and a deep thinker, with a quirky way about her.

The online class she’s currently teaching is about learning to thrive when everything is falling apart.  She’s using the current pandemic situation that’s happening in our lives as a means for a great mass awakening.

Creating a situation where we can not only survive, but thrive.

In Martha’s view, the pandemic is a situation that is perfect for many people to have a spiritual awakening and transformation.

When we’re isolated with extended periods of time for deep thought, many people will slow down. They’ll find that they have an awakening to the way that the Universe works and insights into life that they would never have had the chance to get to.

Meditation and Feelings

I’m grateful to have the time to absorb wisdom from amazing teachers like Martha and I’m going to begin a meditation practice to help tap into the energy and energy of the course.

Part of that work is accessing my feelings … all of the feelings.

I find this challenging, because at times I’m not always sure what exactly my feelings are.

To start, you can begin with the most basic of categories mad/glad/sad/bad.

It’s helpful to start there and then expand on what exactly you mean by “sad” or “glad” … and get some more specifics on your emotions.

Don’t worry about having a fancy label for how you’re feeling … just becoming aware of your feelings is a good start. (I spoke about this briefly in last weeks post “5 Signs of an Unhealthy MInd” (click to read) )


Perhaps the most powerful tool that I can access everyday is my journal.

My daily morning routine includes doing the “thought download” process, and then I create some models, based on my thoughts.

The Model is the unique coaching tool to uncover your thoughts and manage your mental health. It’s especially powerful in a time of crisis like the pandemic, when it’s very easy to allow our fearful brains to run the whole show.

If you’re interested in learning how I use the Model and other coaching tools with my clients, sign up for a complimentary Consultation call with me. Click Here to Book your call.

Astrology, Tarot and Other Modalities

This might be a bit to “woo woo” for some people, but I’ve always been interested in divination, astrology and the tarot … and I’ve gone back to all of those modalities lately to gain some insights.

These tools are great to uncover blocks and see what I’m not seeing, and when combined with journaling and meditation are very powerful for self discovery and insights.

My favorite astrology sites are Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone and AstroStyle … both are great.

Recently I’ve been learning about North Nodes and it’s importance in giving me guidance about how to move into the future … according to Dara Dubinet, the North Node is the most important aspect of all of astrology!

As for Tarot, I have a traditional set of Rider-Waite tarot cards that I’ve used for awhile, but this deck is also very popular.

Finally, I love anything by Colette Baron-Reid – Her Wisdom of the Oracle cards are astonishingly accurate at times.


There are unlimited books and spiritual teachings that are available to learn from … but for me there is one book that stands out above all others.

It’s the Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle., which tells the story of Eckhart’s own spiritual awakening on his 29th birthday. This book is life changing, powerful read.

Plus, it’s the kind of book that you can read again and again and get a new message from each time you read it.

I find that I understand his teaching a little deeper with every time I read (or listen … I also have the audio version of the book and find that’s very helpful too).

Try some of these suggestions for a spiritual practise now, while you have the time in solitude and isolation and please let me know if you discover anything new that helps you on your path to a spiritual awakening. I would love to discover your insights as well.

If you are interested in learning more about how working with a Life Coach can help you gain confidence, get visible and more profitable  in your online business, please schedule a consultation session with me.

Click here to schedule your appointment


P.S.   Introducing the Money, Mindset and Manifesting mini-course. This is my 90 day program to learn how to gently shift your mind. Go from stuck in your old negative beliefs to creating and manifesting the life you truly desire. For a limited time, this program is only $27.00 USD. CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW

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Hi, I'm Cori.
Your New Life & Business Coach.

I'm a former Cosmetics corporate executive, turned freelance Costume Designer ... turned Life and Business Coach. I coach women who are ready to get untrapped by their 6-figure salary and follow their dreams to an online business that creates wealth, recognition and impact. My clients are creating a legacy for their daughters, nieces & girls all over the world.

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